Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Bargain Shopper

This past week my boss sends out a company wide email that a store near work was closing for renovation and had everything 50% off. Of course I had to high-tail it over there and see what was left.

It was mayhem, people were running around with shopping carts full of food. I wandered around for a bit before I figured out what I couldn't live without. So I bought a couple weeks worth of Lean Cuisines for lunches at work. Then it hit me. I ran to the spice aisle and grabbed every bit of saffron and all of the whole vanilla beans I could. Then the sickness spread and went to the mushrooms and grabbed every pack of dried porcini mushrooms they had. So I made a nice Porcini Mushroom Risotto last night. The recipe will follow this post.

All of my recipes that I post on here will be made as healthy as possible. I try to make everything tasty, without resorting to high fat. Of course, occasionally there will some treats, as I love to make desserts.

So if you come across my little blog and you decide to try my recipe, let me know what you think and give some suggestions on how it can be made better.

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